Info about pre-ordered products

You have pre-ordered a product from us and would like to know what the current status is?
This page will help you. Everything we know about the pre-ordered products as well as an estimated delivery date, we keep up to date here!

Devices from GPD

GPD had too many sales from their own website, so unfortunately, we won't receive any GPD Win Max 3 or Pocket 4 from the first batch.
So it will take until end of February / early March until we receive the devices.

We're very sorry about that, we tried what we can and placed our order before christmas already, but if GPD is not able to deliver these to us earlier.

Games from PIKO Interactive

The following games from PIKO Interactive are still expected:
Broken Circle

We already received Broken Circle, but the carts came from a faulty batch and the game couldn't save. So we're waiting for a new delivery which is planned to arrive February 2025.

RetroFighters D6 Controller:

These should arrive May 2025.


The current batch has been shipped to us January 9th and passed german customs end of January. We expect it to arrive around mid-December.

Shadow of the Ninja Reborn (Switch / PS4 /PS5):

No exact date is known yet, but the PS4/PS5 version should arrive in February, the Switch version should follow shortly after.