Tanglewood, the game follows a young creature, Nymn, separated from the pack after the sun sets. Unable to get back to the safety of the family's underground home, Nymn must find a way to survive the night terrors and get to morning. TANGLEWOOD’s world is a dangerous one after dark; guiding Nymn you must use your skills of evasion, traps and trickery to defeat predators.
TANGLEWOOD is a platforming game with puzzle elements, and can be described as a mix of the Mega Drive titles Another World and The Lion King.
* A mix of fast-paced 2D platforming action with puzzles, special abilities, tricks and trap
* A story woven into the gameplay
* Fluid, hand-drawn animations
* Time of day cycle, influencing the types of enemies encountered
* Collectibles, secret areas and bonus levels
- System
- MegaDrive/Gen.
- for brand
- Sega
- 23582226