There are 7 products.
Anbernic RG28xx 2,8" Handheld (128GB SD Card, Carry Case)
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A small, cool handheld from Anbernic that is about the size of a GBA Micro.
Anbernic RG35xx SP Handheld (128GB SD Card, Carry Case)
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A small, cool handheld from Anbernic similar looking to the GBA SP.
Anbernic RG40xxV Handheld (128GB SD Card, Carry Case)
In Stock
A small, cool handheld from Anbernic similar looking to the original GameBoy
OneXPlayer AMD (AMD Ryzen 5700U, 1TB SSD, 16GB RAM)
A AAA-Gaming Handheld featuring the fast AMD Ryzen 5700U CPU.
GPD Win MAX 2 (7640U, 16GB RAM, 1TB NVMe)
The GPD Win MAX 2. A UMPC with gaming controls.