Mega Everdrive Pro
Can be preordered
For the Sega Megadrive - comes with full packaging and printed manual.
Nintendo GameCube Classic Edition
Initially announced as 'Project Dolphin', the GameCube would represent Nintendo's transition to the world of digital media. The GameCube Anthology is a unique and original book celebrating the machine's memory.
Jaguar GameDrive
Can be preordered
For Atari Jaguar. No licensed Atari product.
On sale!
Everdrive-N8 Pro
Can be preordered
For the NES. No licensed Nintendo product.
Commodore Amiga: A Visual Commpendium
Launched in 1985, the Amiga ushered in a new age of home computing. With its powerful 16-bit Motorola CPU and custom graphics and audio chipsets, it was an instant hit among gamers looking to move on from the eight-bit systems, as well as artists and musicians moving into the digital realm.
Super Famicom: The Box Art Collection
It wasn’t easy being a Nintendo fan in the early 90s: the wonderful Super Famicom was released in Europe as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but it was hobbled by a bordered, 50Hz image and delayed release schedule. True Nintendo fans got hold of a Japanese console and bought their games on the grey import market.